Apps and Websites for CLASS, PROJECTS, & to be a better STUDENT

Here's What I Recommend:
Notes: Evernote or Google Docs (via Google Drive)
Notifications: Remind
College: My Majors
Homework: myHomework
To Do Lists: Wunderlist
Study: Quizlet, Flashcards+, Castle Learning
Works Cited: EasyBib
Notes: Evernote or Google Docs (via Google Drive)
Notifications: Remind
College: My Majors
Homework: myHomework
To Do Lists: Wunderlist
Study: Quizlet, Flashcards+, Castle Learning
Works Cited: EasyBib
PresentationsEmaze (presentations)
Animoto (video, slideshow maker) Glogster (poster maker) Blabberize (make your picture talk) Wordle (word clouds) Voki (create characters that speak) Scratch (create interactive stories, games and animations) Popplet (mind maps) Storybird (create a book) ZooBurst (pop up book maker) Bitstrips (comic book maker) Pixton (comic book maker) Toon Doo (comic book maker) Story Map ( maps that tell stories) Notes and In Class |
US History LinksThe Annenberg Guide to the United States Constitution- We will be using this site in class to conduct a SCAVENGER HUNT of the US Constitution!
Important Dates in American History- Lists important dates with a description of each event and includes link to more info about the event Colonial Williamsburg - Many primary and secondary sources, including the story of Olaudah Equiano- a slave Census Bureau - Tons of statistical information about the United States Library of Congress - Primary source documents, includes links to American Memory Authentic History Center - Primary sources from American Popular Culture White - Information on our current president and links to information about past administrations American Presidents- Biographies of all US Presidents Living Room Candidate- Awesome website with presidential campaign commercials from 1952 to present House of Representatives- Search around the site for find out who your representatives are, how to contact them, and current bills in the making United States Senate- Search around the site to find out who your senators are, how to contact them, and current bills in the making Illingworth Exhibition- Political cartoons from 1940-1960 Electoral College: Aye and Nay- Article from Forbes magazine debating the Electoral College The History Makers- African American history archive History and Politics Out Loud- A searchable of politically significant audio materials |
Generally Nifty LinksRegents Review Live- Watch videos and download PowerPoints for both US and Global Regents Exams
History Channel - Here's the link to the coolest channel on television!!! Not only is there great information on all kinds of historical time periods and events from around the world but there is also a great game that you can play! Check out Past is truly addictive! History News Network- "Among the many duties we assume are these: To expose politicians who misrepresent history. To point out bogus analogies. To deflate beguiling myths. To remind Americans of the irony of history. To put events in context. To remind us all of the complexity of history." Top Documentary Films- Free documentary films on the internet. A great resource. |
Global History LinksBest History Sites- A plethora of wonderful websites from throughout history
United Nations- Be sure to check out the UN Charter and its similarities to Enlightenment ideas and the Declaration of Independence United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Great information on the Holocaust, including primary sources Official Web Site of the Louvre - This official site includes a virtual tour of the Louvre CIA World Factbook - Information about every nation- income, population, crops, crime, etc. Spartacus Educational - Links to world history sites- especially British History Enlightenment Essay - Unit on the Enlightenment Enlightenment Webquest - Enlightenment Webquest- good task Enlightenment - Power Point on the Enlightenment- check out quotes and task Amnesty International - Information on human rights violations throughout the world. S-Cool Geography - All kinds of great information Test Your Geography Knowledge- Take a quiz on your geographic knowledge of any area of the world. This site even scores you. Geography Zone- Another cool geography quiz game Secrets of Lost Empires- Check out some cool discoveries from ancient societies |
Psychology LinksPersonality Quiz- Jung Typology
Stress: Portrait of a Killer- National Geographic video detailing the psychological and phyical impacts of stress (also here) American Psychological Association- A scientific and professional organization that represents psychology in the United States S-Cool Psychology- An online resource for psychology students Social Psychology Network- All kinds of info on topics dealing with social psychology Scholarly Psychology Resources- Just what it says! Encyclopedia of Psychology- A great resource BBC Psychology- Awesome site! All kinds of self tests, experiments, readings Psychology Today- Homepage for the magazine and a great source for information on all areas of psychology Info on hypnosis, does have a bias Includes info on sleep disorders Sensation and Perception Tutorials- The site may give you a headache if you stay on it too long! Personalty Types- Information about the basic personality types Memory Experiments- Test your own memory and learn some tips to improve it E Psych- Basically an animated psychology textbook, very cool Psych Web- A ton of psychology resources Exploritorium- Museum of science, art and human perception; really cool stuff! The Whole Brain Atlas- Images of the brain |