Welcome to AP U.S. History!
Course Syllabus
Important links to get you started:
Why buy an AMSCO United States History:
Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination 4th Edition?
Essay AssistanceAP History Document Based Question (DBQ) Explained
The New APUSH DBQ How to Approach the DBQ- video from Khan Academy with examples AP Long Essay Question (LEQ) Explained How to Approach the LEQ- video from Khan Academy with examples LEQ Generator- Review LEQ's using Albert.io's LEQ Generator. You can time yourself writing an essay in 40 minutes.
Multiple Choice AssistanceHow to do APUSH MC- video from Khan Academy, includes some sample MC
Khan Academy- For period by period videos and practice MC High School Test Prep- MC questions from each time period History Teacher.net: Quiz Page - Practice multiple choice questions (old style---but still help with content) Albert.io - A resource for practice multiple choice and other review. There is a free and paid version. Romulus App- Ok, it's $4.99 but it contains over 800 multiple choice questions for you to review for the exam. Pick the topic you feel you need to work on and go to town!
SAQ Assistance
Field Trip!!!!Ellis Island
Letters of Recommendation---for Former APUSHers :)
Nifty WebsitesAlbert.io - A resource for practice multiple choice and other review. There is a free and paid version.
American Yawp- Are you looking to go deeper into history than the AMSCO book? Check out this online US History textbook! Apprend.io- This is an APUSH website that has a ton of great information, including timelines and essay help APUSH Explained - This is the guy that makes the videos that I recommend for each unit (JoczProductions on YouTube). Includes pdf's of all of his notes. APUSH Review - Also includes videos and PowerPoints for each time period----New for 2016- Free Courses Fiveable- There's a lot of free stuff here or you can pay for a variety of tutorials. Great info. Get a Five.com - Includes a "study room" with video lessons, review quizzes and practice tests and a diagnostic exam to see where you're at. Gilder Lehrman - Timelines, documents, videos, and essays for each of the 9 APUSH periods Heimler's History- check out his website here or even better yet, subscribe to him on YouTube. Seriously- he's the best! Khan Academy- Includes a brief study guide and videos on how to approach the various parts of the exam Map Websites- University of Texas and US History Maps YouTubeChannels, people, and playlists to subscribe to. Do it now!
General AwesomenessHere's where I just recommend things that are cool, historically speaking!
Binge Watching History*I'm working on updating this list Summer 2021.