What is AIS?
What is the goal for AIS students in Mrs. Clemens' class?Students are working toward passing the Global History and Geography Regents and the United States History and Government Regents exams in June.
Planning for this courseAs I began planning for this course, I found that none of my colleagues had a set curriculum when they had taught the course previously. I looked around to try to find out what other schools and teachers were doing to effectively prepare their students for the Regents in social studies and had great difficulty finding anything specific or meaningful.
My goal is to update this page as I go and to ultimately share what worked and did not work for me and my students while teaching this course. I am planning on adding a copy of my planbook for this course at the end of the semester. Hopefully through my trials and errors I can help other teachers who might be struggling with teaching this course. |
Helpful Links for Review:Regents Prep.org - The best review site for the Global and US History Regents exams
Previous Regents Exams - NYS Education Department page for high school social studies regents exams Regents Review Live - Watch videos and download PowerPoints specifically for the US and Global Regents Exams Items We Are Using to Review:US History:
*US History Vocabulary- See US History tab on this website ![]()
Global History: